Thursday, June 14, 2012

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing - Helen Keller

So...I have been working as much as I possibly can to save enough money for Africa, which it sucks to be working when all my friends are hanging out with out me but I just have to remember that it will be well worth it in the end! :) Everyone keeps asking me if I am scared and honestly I am terrified! What if I get there and its nothing like I imagined it would be my entire life, but also what if it is more than I've ever dreamed about?! Still the thought of leaving my family and friends for 3 months to go to a country thousands of miles away where I won't be able to text or call...kinda scary! I know Missionaries go out for 18 months or 2 years and 3 months seem like nothing in comparison but still this is my first time out of the country let alone the first time traveling without a family member. Brindy has always been with me on airplane rides and this one will be the first time without her and it is also exponentially longer than any flight I have been on before. Its going to take 28+ hours to get to Arusha from SLC, if all the flights are on time and there are no delays, kinda crazy! We have multiple stops which include Charlotte, NC then to Washington D.C., then from Washington we fly to Addis Ababa, for those who are not very good with geography that is in Ethiopia!!! Ethiopia?! What happens if we get there and I can't read any of the signs in the airport and I get lost and I can't speak Ethiopian?! I know that is a bit dramatic but you've got to be prepared for the worst! Then finally from Ethiopia we will fly into Kilimanjaro! The flight alone is gonna be an adventure!
I have so much to do before I leave, first off... I need shots....lots of them! :/ I've never been the one that is afraid of needles, and honestly I don't mind shots in the slightest, but having to get 10+ shots is definitely not my idea of a fun time, but its better to be safe than sorry and end up with a disease that may or may not kill you.
Sometimes I think to myself, "Briana, you idiot! What have you gotten yourself into?!" but then I think about what an amazing adventure and opportunity it will be to go after all, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing!" and I'd much rather have a life full of adventure than to stay home all my life and do nothing! So in 79 days I will go to Salt Lake International Airport, jump onto a plane and start the biggest adventure of my life! I CAN NOT WAIT! eek!

Friday, June 1, 2012


For Memorial Day weekend My friends and I went to Moab, it was quite a delight. We left here at about 11:00 in the PM and arrived there about 4:00 in the AM, it shouldn't have taken that long but I was the only one that knew how to get there and I wasn't paying attention so we missed the turn off at Spanish Fork so that took us about a half hour out of the way...and then of coarse we had to stop for snacks and all that good stuff! Anyway we pulled into Moab at 4 AM and had no where to sleep so we decided to drive up to Delicate Arch and hike it so we could see the sunrise, we first however decided to take like an hour nap underneath the stars for about an hour...on the asphalt...which I ended up sleeping there for 3 nights! (not a very good thing for your back) So after our beautiful sunrise hike up to Delicate we were standing by the car and this very tiny cute Asian lady slowly crept toward us with a camera in hand and takes a picture of me...Like I was a wild animal that was ready to pounce at anytime! haha it was such a funny thing.
The next day the wind was so incredibly crazy, we went to Sand Dune Arch and the sand would come whipping around and pelt you, it felt as if your skin was being rubbed raw! Sleeping was even worse we all slept outside on the pavement again in the parking stalls at Delicate Arch parking lot but it was much much colder than the first night had been so we all crammed ourselves into the car...5 of us trying to sprawl out in a little compact car...needless to say that it isn't the most comfortable way to sleep, ha and we again got our pictures taken by people because of coarse we looked absolutely ridiculous trying to sleep in a tiny car! Ha oh the memories are what makes it all worth it!

 Making some PB&J's for lunch!
Phil being a hero and rescuing Kerrianne from being stuck down a cliff!

Out of Africa

So yesterday I bought my plane tickets for Kilimanjaro, Tanzania! I leave August 30th at 11:59 PM and will be gone for an entire 3 months! I have to say that I have a mixture of emotions right now...excitement, nervousness, happiness, scared, and a little sad as well. Going to Africa has always been a dream of mine, I have wanted to go there as long as I can remember and now I finally am going! This is sure to be one grand adventure! I have decided to blog about my adventure across the world and all the exciting events leading up to my travels, so that i'll be able to look back at this blog and remember all the crazy exciting things that have made my life so incredibly great and so worthwhile.

We'll be flying into Kilimanjaro Airport and then we'll be going to Arusha where we will be placed in a home and stay there whilst we volunteer at an orphanage for 10 weeks and then we will be going on a Safari and going to the very gorgeous island of Zanzibar! 

Stone Town, Zanzibar

The Serengheti