Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Quote of the Day

"We live tomorrow, what we dream today!!" -annon.

Song of the Day

"Slow Life" by Grizzly Bear

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So, everyone agrees that food is just one of those things we need. But it goes beyond that sometimes. Why is it that we gorge ourselves to the point of never wanting to eat another piece of food least for a few hours! And then before ya know it, that time's come and gone and you're eating again, promising yourself that you WILL stop this time once you feel full!! But do you?? NO! Because it tastes soooo good, and gives you what you lack at the moment! So you and your star-crossed lover dance again! Oh when will we realize that this love, this love that has been instilled in us from birth, is the worst kind of love. UNREQUITED LOVE!! One day, we will see that our world doesn't revolve around....eating. We don't need it to celebrate. We don't need it to feel better. We don't need it to entertain us when we're bored. We don't need it.....OH! Who are we kidding.....what's for dessert!?

Song of the Day

"The Resistance" by Muse

Quote of the Day

"Everyone has a freak flag, whether they choose to fly it or not."-Hollow
"Well I choose not to fly my freak flag."-Scobey

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Silent Hi-

Welcome to our blogspot! We are super duper excited to begin! This will be filled with our daily adventures and pics to follow! We hope you enjoy our fun, so sit back, fasten those seat belts and enjoy the ride...That is Scobey and Hollow! Be sure to check back daily cuz you never know when things will pop up! POP!
Xoxo-Scobey and Hollow!